Etusivu » For exhibitors » Safe events during the pandemic » Visitor


Hand disinfection
We expect good hand and respiratory hygiene and do not recommend shaking hands. Please disinfect your hands using the automated dispensers during events and especially before and after visiting sanitary spaces.  


Face Masks
Using face masks at all events is strongly recommended. In addition to good hand and respiratory hygiene, wearing a mask is an efficient way to protect yourself and others. We offer masks to customers and exhibitors, and they are also available at entryways. 


Public Areas
Please follow general safety measures and corona recommendations and restrictions. Each visitor needs to remember to follow proper directions, to avoid shaking hands, to take care of good hand and respiratory hygiene.  


Sanitary spaces 
Please wash your hands properly. We recommend using hand disinfectant before and after visiting sanitary spaces.  


Restaurants and cafes
Please ensure following good hygiene also in restaurant areas, washing and disinfecting your hands before joining the lines. There are contactless hand disinfectant dispensers at the restaurants.  


Instructions for visitors
We believe that visitors will be responsible in arriving to the long-awaited events to meet one another and to share experiences again. We would like to remind you of the current measures: 

  • please observe good hygiene and wash and disinfect your hands several times during the day
  • using face masks is strongly recommended
  • avoid shaking hands and other forms of close contact
  • you can attend events only in absolute good health and vaccinated or tested

Please obey all current restrictions, regulations, and recommendations.  


The number of persons using a lift is restricted to one or two persons depending on the lift’s size. Please obey this restriction. 


First Aid Staff
All events have a sickbay with staff who know what to do in case there is a suspected coronavirus infection at the event. Please refrain from attending events if you have any symptoms.  


Protecting the staff
Following all advice and restrictions is crucial so that we can ensure a safe fair experience for everyone. 

Service desks and coatrooms will have transparent acrylic screens where applicable. Our staff wear face shields and can disinfect their hands at their posts. 


Koronavilkku mobile application
We recommend using the Koronavilkku app. Please attend our events only if you are totally free of any symptoms and have not been exposed to the virus.

Practical instructions
Builders’ instructions
Services for exhibitors
Additional visibility services
Tips for fairs
Construction and dismantling schedules
Request for a quotation
Ready-made stand
Getting here
Technical Orders »
General Contractual Terms
Safe events during the pandemic »
Safe Spaces
Frequently Asked


Customer Service

tel. +358 (0)207 701 222

(Mon–Fri 9 am –3 pm) 


How can we help you?

0207 701 222

Open on weekdays 9 am - 3 pm