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Cleaning industry and sports professionals meet in Tampere in March


Finnclean, an international, professional trade fair of the cleaning industry, and Gymtec & Sportec, the largest sports and wellbeing trade fair in the Nordic countries, are held on 15-16 March 2023 at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre. At Finnclean, we address the bold change in the industry and clean future, Gymtec & Sportec brings together many disciplines and a common heart. Free registration for the events is open.


Finnclean 2023 offers a new kind of thinking, future-oriented cleanliness. Due to exceptional times, the international trade fair event for the cleanliness sector, organised after a break of four years, brings together experts on topical issues and latest solutions. Organised at the same time, Gymtec and Sportec create a platform for sports and wellbeing, sports facility construction, as well as fitness and health exercise professionals to meet the latest trends and products in the industry. The largest sports and wellbeing trade fair in the Nordic countries brings together many disciplines – and a common heart. 


Finnclean and Gymtec & Sportec offer their visitors free entrance by registering at: and


Finnclean: bold change – clean future 


Finnclean brings together cleanliness training days and professional trade fair, bringing together professionals and future experts in the industry. The March event focuses on bold change and clean future, with the perspectives of time, responsibility and space. The importance of cleanliness and its maintenance has never been so great in the entire world. At the same time, there is also a great transformation in the cleanliness industry, towards which one must boldly pass. Time highlights the development of technology and human wellbeing, responsibility reflects both the sustainable development of the environment and human rights issues, and the space to be cleaned changes its shape in changing society.

- The exceptional pandemic times of recent years has raised the importance of hygiene and cleanliness to new heights. Perhaps more topical than ever, now is the time to visit the industry's number one trade fair to update products, technologies and solutions to the latest ones - even after a break of four years! We warmly welcome you to Finnclean, the brightest trade fair in the cleanliness industry, says Project Manager Sami Siurola of Tampere Trade Fairs Group.


Finnclean is organised in cooperation with SSTL Puhtausala association. Check out the event:


Gymtec & Sportec: many disciplines – common heart


Sports and wellbeing, sports facility construction, fitness and health exercise professionals meet again in March at the anticipated Gymtec & Sportec event. The theme of the fair is many disciplines – common heart. Gymtec & Sportec addresses thoughts on the spectrum of sports and exercise, from elite sports to amateurs, as well as the smooth matching of needs. Equality in sport is playing an increasingly important role now and in the future. The event also discusses the price of energy at sports facilities and the possibilities for facilities to increase or diversify their utilisation rate.

- The value of health exercise has increased in recent years and has a solid role in the overall wellbeing of people. The latest services are getting closer and closer to the consumer, and responsibility in products and activities is an essential part in the construction of sports facilities as well.  It is a great pleasure to be able to work with our partners to offer a topical coverage of exercise and wellbeing in March, Siurola says.


Gymtec & Sportec is organised in cooperation with the Finnish Association of Physical Education Professionals (Suomen Liikunnan Ammattilaiset ry) and the Association of Finnish Fitness and Health Centres (Suomen kunto- ja terveysliikuntakeskusten yhdistys). Check out the event:


Finnclean combines cleanliness industry training days and professional trade fairs. The international trade fair in the cleanliness industry brings together professionals in the industry to network and get acquainted with the latest solutions. Finnclean is organised in cooperation with SSTL Puhtausala association. At Sportec, you will find know-how in the construction and equipment of sports facilities, as well as maintenance and renovation. Gymtec presents the latest equipment, as well as fitness trends. Gymtec & Sportec is organised in cooperation with the Finnish Association of Physical Education Professionals (Suomen Liikunnan Ammattilaiset ry) and the Association of Finnish Fitness and Health Centres (Suomen kunto- ja terveysliikuntakeskusten yhdistys).


FURTHER INFORMATION:, #finnclean #puhtausala #puhdastulevaisuus, #gymtec #sportec #yhteinensydän
Tampere Trade Fairs Group,, 
Sami Siurola, Gymtec & Sportec Project Manager, tel. +358 40 734 3589

Sirkka Laine, Communications Specialist, tel. +358 40 612 9081

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